Feeling your baby move for the first time is an exciting milestone during pregnancy. It’s a tangible reminder that there’s a little person growing inside of you. While every pregnancy is different, most women will feel their baby move sometime between weeks 16 and 25. Here’s what you need to know about when you can expect to feel your baby move and what it feels like.
What is Baby Movement?
Baby movement is a way for your baby to communicate with you while in the womb. At first, these movements will be small and infrequent. As your baby grows, the movements will become stronger and more frequent. Some women describe these movements as flutters or bubbles, while others compare them to a butterfly or a fish swimming around in their belly. As your baby gets bigger, you’ll be able to distinguish kicks, punches, and even hiccups.
When Will I Feel My Baby Move?
As mentioned, most women will feel their baby move sometime between weeks 16 and 25. However, some women may feel movement as early as 13 weeks, while others may not feel anything until closer to 25 weeks. If you’re a first-time mom, it may take a little longer to feel movement, as you may not know what you’re looking for.
What Factors Affect When I Will Feel My Baby Move?
Several factors can affect when you feel your baby move. These include:
- Baby’s position: Depending on where your baby is positioned in your uterus, you may feel movement earlier or later.
- Placenta placement: If your placenta is in the front of your uterus (anterior placenta), it may cushion your baby’s movements, making them more difficult to feel.
- Your weight: If you’re overweight or obese, it may take longer to feel your baby move.
Your baby’s health: If your baby is more active, you may feel movement earlier.
What Does Baby Movement Feel Like?
Baby movement feels different for everyone, but most women describe it as a flutter or bubble sensation in their lower abdomen. As your baby gets bigger, you’ll start to feel kicks and punches. Some women describe these movements as feeling like popcorn popping or a butterfly flapping its wings. You may also feel your baby rolling or shifting positions. As your due date gets closer, your baby may have less room to move around, but the movements will be stronger and more defined.
When Should I Call My Doctor About Baby Movement?
If you haven’t felt your baby move by 24 weeks, you should let your doctor know. Your doctor may want to perform an ultrasound to check on your baby’s health. After you start feeling your baby move, pay attention to how often your baby moves and how strong the movements are. If you notice a decrease in movement or no movement at all, contact your doctor right away. Your doctor may want to perform additional tests to ensure your baby is healthy.
It is an exciting milestone during pregnancy. Most women will feel movement between weeks 16 and 25, but it can vary depending on several factors. Pay attention to your baby’s movements and contact your doctor if you have any concerns.